Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CPA Jobs, Resume Search, and Staffing in 2009

As you already know from watching the news each day, the slowing economy has affected the job market in a negative manner. More qualified candidates are now available for a smaller number of positions, allowing employers to fill jobs at lower costs. The rise in internet recruiting has changed how many jobs are now filled. A hiring manager can today do more on their own to staff positions, including posting jobs online and accessing online resume databases. A few internet sites, such as http://www.freejobposts.net/ , will post your job for free on many leading career sites like Indeed and SimplyHired. Unfortunately the large number of online resume and job posting resources has made it a difficult and expensive process to identify and recruit all qualified and interested candidates. Hiring managers want to save recruiting costs, but also want to be confident they hired the best possible candidate.

From 60-70% of active candidates will now post their resume online. Why pay a full fee to a recruiter who finds the resume online? Why pay up to $400 for each job posting that requires time and luck to be successful? Why limit interviews to only applicants who were lucky enough to see and apply to your job post? A few recruiting firms have evolved to offer a new service to hiring manager who want to lower costs, increase control, and be confident that they have hired the best available candidate.

For the CPA Staffing profession, CPA Staffing http://www.cpastaffing.net/ and CPA Chicago http://www.cpachicago.net/ will allow hiring managers to post job for $50, access an internal resume database for only $100, and access screened resumes from the major online resume vendors such as Monster, Careerbuilder, and Yahoo!Hotjobs for only $500. This allows hiring managers to attempt to staff their role for free or at a lower cost, before committing to a retained or contingent search service.

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